
Lawmakers Demand Wray Correct the Record

UPDATE: The FBI released the following statement Friday afternoon: 

“What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle.”

***Original post***

During testimony on Capitol Hill Thursday in front of the House Judiciary Committee, FBI Director Christopher Wray questioned whether former President Donald Trump was shot in the ear by an assassin's bullet. 

Trump's physician, Congressman Dr. Ronny Jackson, immediately pushed back on Wray's statement and again confirmed Trump was in fact shot in the ear. 

Now, Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham is demanding Wray correct the record. 

"As Ranking Member of the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, I believe it is very important for you to correct your testimony before Congress on Wednesday when you indicated it is uncertain whether President Donald J. Trump was hit by a bullet, glass, or shrapnel.' It is clear to everyone that President Trump survived an assassination attempt by millimeters, as the attempted assassin's bullet ripped the upper part of his ear," Graham wrote in an official letter to Wray Friday. "This was made clear in briefings my office received and should not be a point of contention."

"Therefore, I urge you to immediately correct your statement and acknowledge that President Trump was hit by a bullet rather than glass or shrapnel. As head of the FBI, you should not be creating confusion about such matters, as it further undercuts the agency's credibility with millions of Americans. Please correct this statement immediately," he continued. 

Wray is set to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee next week.