
Creepy: A 'Nonpartisan' Website Just Deleted Some Damning Data About Kamala

It's been creepy and Orwellian watching the 'news' media reverse themselves on Kamala Harris' role as Joe Biden's 'border czar,' a shorthand colloquial term that virtually everyone used until she became the presumptive nominee of her party.  Journalists guarded Biden against accurate concerns regarding his cognitive condition until they decided he was a liability to the wider cause, at which point they bombarded him with revelations about those exact concerns, helping to push him out of the race.  Having achieved that goal, they quickly returned to praising his Washingtonian selflessness, laying it on thick to help ease the pain of what they'd just done to him.  And with Harris installed as their new candidate, the journo class is suddenly insisting that she was never the border czar, even though many of them had explicitly referred to her as such in the past.  Now it's unhelpful to the mission to acknowledge that widely-understood truth, so they're airbrushing away their own previous reporting, and hoping to just memory hole their prior comments. This is wild to see happening in real time:

She was assigned the job, she failed spectacularly at the job, so now it must be said that she never had the job.  This reminds me of when Webster's dictionary literally changed the definition of a word overnight, in order to match a bad-faith and hypocritical leftist attack against Justice Amy Coney Barrett during her confirmation process.  Past truths must be obliterated for the current cause.  Which brings us to this:

According to the analysis GovTrack simply deleted from their website, apparently just after Harris became the nominee, she was the most left-wing Senator before she joined Biden's ticket, even outflanking Bernie Sanders.  She was also the least bipartisan Senator -- 100th out of 100.  And she rarely showed up for work.  The 'nonpartisan' folks at GovTrack (ahem) apparently decided this information should no longer be accessible, so the page is gone.  Whatever you think of Harris or this election, shouldn't this sort of thing be extremely disturbing to people?  

Democratic partisans don't want these sorts of questions to be asked of her of the next 100 days.  Seriously, watch this clip, which is based on the now-disappeared analysis:

She tries to pawn the analysis of her record off on Mike Pence, with a big Kamala laugh, but the anchor returns to the point and mentions the source of the data. Harris is still giggling as the question proceeds, then something in her eyes changes, as she realizes 'Pence said it!' isn't going to work, even as her mouth remains agape in a residual smile from the laughter.  I'm sure she would have preferred back then that the GovTrack information had never have existed, and now GovTrack has helpfully un-existed that information.  Thank goodness for online archives.  Will Harris also try to make many of her comments vanish, on subjects like decriminalizing illegal immigration, giving illegal immigrants taxpayer-funded healthcare plans, supporting the $6.6 trillion-per-year Green New Deal, defunding police, banning fracking, and eliminating private health insurance?  Can she erase the Isaac Espinoza case from her record?  Or this one?

I'll leave you with this: