
Joe Biden's Brother Dropped a Bombshell Statement That a Biden Family Source Immediately Denied

Frank Biden, one of Joe Biden’s younger brothers, said the president’s health “absolutely” factored into his decision to exit the presidential race on Sunday. 

In an interview with CBS News, Frank said he was “incredibly proud” of his brother and then dropped a shocking line that left social media users stunned. 

“Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we have left,” his statement to CBS continued. “He is a genuine hero, country over self, it sounds corny in our cynical political environment, but he nor I are cynical. The goal remains the same: defeat Trump and continue the work that Joe has done. My hope is that our party rallies around this heroic act."

An anonymous family source quickly fired back at Frank, telling CBS he "suffers from alcoholism and hasn't spoken to his brother in weeks. What he said is completely untrue..."

Editor's Note: Radical Democrats are carrying out the biggest coverup and political coup in modern history. Help Townhall report the truth about why Joe Biden is dropping out of the presidential race. Join Townhall VIP and use promo code MAGA24 to get 60% off your VIP membership.