
CNN Commentator Identifies the 'Most Dangerous Speech for the Dem Coalition' During RNC's First Night

CNN commentator Van Jones argued the speech model and rapper Amber Rose gave during the first night of the Republican National Convention was the "most dangerous" for Democrats. 

Rose spoke Monday about how she went from believing former President Donald Trump was a “racist” to becoming a fan. 

Recalling how her father, a supporter of the GOP presidential nominee, challenged her to do her own research on Trump’s statements and policies, Rose said she realized "Donald Trump and his supporters don’t care if you’re black, white, gay or straight, it’s all love. And that’s when it hit me, these are my people. This is where I belong.” 

It was at that point she let go of her fear of being judged and attacked by the left. 

"I put the red hat on too,” she added.

Pointing to her RNC speech, Jones said her experience likely resonates with many Americans. 

“That was probably the most dangerous speech for the Democratic coalition,” Jones said. “That is a young woman of color. She is describing the experience that a lot of people have — feeling that maybe, if you’re around too many liberals, you might get criticized too much or you might not be able to speak your mind, and she spoke to it really well.”

Jones noted that her fame is also a disservice to Democrats. 

“So to the extent that these guys are trying to bust up our coalition, that was a bunker buster right there,” he said.