
'Am I Speaking English to You?': Here's the Biden Question That Triggered Nancy Pelosi Today

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s reaction to this line of questioning by ABC News’ Rachel Scott exposes a few things: the Democrats are not accustomed to such grilling by the media, they’re tired of the Joe Biden questions, and they know there’s no satisfactory answer to the predicament regarding the Democratic Party is facing with the president. Joe Biden created this mess, and he’s not leaving, so what can they do? For now, nothing which isn’t a position that’s sitting well with a large swath of congressional Democrats, many of which are now worried Biden will cost them down ballot. They’re not wrong. 

As Spencer wrote this morning, Pelosi stopped within an inch of calling on Biden to drop out. It surely wasn’t a media hit Biden’s staffers wanted to see, but the trickle of Democrats calling for Biden to step aside is growing, especially today. If there aren’t calls for him to drop out, there are the even more damning ones questioning his ability to win in November. 

Scott’s questions about the 2024 race and whether Biden should continue his candidacy led to Pelosi getting snippy quickly. She said she would not share the details of her discussion with the president or discuss the “fate of our nation” in the hallway. 

“Am I speaking English to you? I’m not going to be making any statements about any of that right now in the hallway,” barked Pelosi to Scott.

Yet, the California Democrat also said she believed Biden could win, so a follow-up on whether he should stay is warranted. Pelosi also gets irritated when supposedly friendly outlets push back. She did it to PBS’ Judy Woodruff during the COVID pandemic, with MSNBC’s Katy Tur this year, and now with Ms. Scott at ABC News. 

For years, she expected the press to take her word and move on; that will not happen regarding Joe Biden, his health, and the 2024 election. June 27 made that impossible, so get used to more questions, Nancy. You might want to get your husband to drive drunk again if you need something to change the subject, but even that wouldn’t shake a national story like this.

Until Biden has a 'Flowers for Algernon '-like mental recovery, these questions aren't going away.