
Biden Has a Total Meltdown During Unhinged Rage Call on MSNBC's Morning Joe

Katie wrote about Joe Biden’s letter to Congress earlier this morning. It provided the basis for the president’s rage call on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, which was unhinged, detached, and ironically emblematic of why so many Democrats want him to drop out of the race. The rage call confirms many things reported about this White House: people need to walk on eggshells to avoid angering this man, his declining mental health and inability to keep up have increased his frustration, and there is a deep-seated denialism about his standing in this race. Biden is losing this election right now, and his refusal to take a cognitive test when three-fourths of the country thinks he’s too old to do the job will not improve with this stomping of the feet position he’s taking. 

There’s also new news on the mental health front: Biden’s physician visited a Parkinson’s Disease expert at least eight times starting in August 2023. It could be more—visitor logs are not kept for Biden’s Delaware home. While raging on MSNBC, Biden didn’t deny he took a test for the disease: 

He also raged against the elites in the party, who arguably put him in the White House, discussed how he draws crowds that are nowhere near the size of Trump’s events, and threw down the gauntlet on the nomination, daring anyone to challenge him at the convention. You can also hear the pages turning as he’s reading the talking points. And yes, the Trump lie that the former president called American war dead “loser and suckers,” which has long been debunked was repeated by Biden, who said it was a fact because he was there. Fact check: he wasn’t. 

Jill Biden has issued the order: they’re not going anywhere. It’s going to get messy. 

No doubt Obama’s people are probably pushing the hardest behind the scenes, hence the increased anger and frustration. Biden still harbors immense resentment at his former boss, who consistently told him he never had the chops to be president. Obama was right.