
Excuse Me: Did You Hear What This CNN Host Said About Biden and the Debate Questions?

The media is aghast, panicked, and shell-shocked over Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance, which might have been the final nail in the coffin of the Biden 2024 campaign. It was a painful 90 minutes where Joe Biden seemed aloof, mentally slow, and incapable of defending his agenda or attacking Trump. In short, everything we’ve been saying about the president regarding his physical and mental health was showcased for the entire nation. There’s no selective editing here—this is Joe. 

Maybe I’m overthinking this, but many on social media clipped this bit from CNN host Erin Burnett. It seemed as if she was inadvertently admitting that the Biden camp was fed the debate questions beforehand from someone. 

“He knows every one of these questions is coming, and yet he couldn‘t fill the time,” said Burnett 

To quote Biden, “Here’s the deal,” this has happened before. In 2016, then-CNN commentator Donna Brazile was busted for feeding Hillary Clinton’s campaign debate questions (via The Federalist): 

As a second leaked email showed Donna Brazile sliding debate questions to the Hillary Clinton campaign, on Monday CNN announced it had cut ties with the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee October 14. That cut had taken place a few days after the first leaked email revealed Brazile had given Clinton intel on questions that would be asked at a town hall. 

Brazile’s contract with CNN had been suspended since July when yet another set of leaked emails had implicated the previous Democratic National Committeewoman in an election-rigging scheme to ensure Hillary Clinton won the Democratic primary. Brazile had continued as a contributor, however. 

In October of 2016, Brazile resigned from CNN over this breach. Biden spent nearly a week preparing for this debate, and we saw the results in all its disastrous glory. That alone is a terrible sign for the president that he couldn’t manage to have at least a portion of this debate go his way in any form, especially on the abortion question, which he flubbed brutally. If someone fed him debate questions, and this still was the result, then maybe the rumors and discussions about replacing this man on the ticket are warranted, though I hope that never happens. As of now, Trump is winning this election. He delivered a kill shot to the Biden campaign, with or without the alleged outside help.