
Remember That ‘Trans Woman’ Who Went Topless at the Biden White House? Well…

A so-called “trans woman” who flashed his prosthetic breasts during a White House “Pride” event last year has been accused of sexually assaulting at least five people.

To recap, Townhall reported last year how a transgender model went topless on the White House lawn during a Pride event: 

The transgender, “Rose” Montoya, 27, met President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden. In a video, he unhooked his dress, then cupped and shook his breast implants in front of the Truman balcony where the pride flag hung in the background.

As Leah noted, in response to criticism, Montoya said “going topless in DC is legal, and I fully support the movement to free the nipples.”

As a result, the White House called the behavior “inappropriate” and said that the people who appeared in the video would not be invited back.

This week, Reduxx reported that Montoya was accused of sexual assault by another transgender person, his ex-girlfriend Jesse Diamond, who is a female who reportedly identifies as a man (via Reduxx):

On June 13, Diamond posted a thread to X accusing Montoya of sexually assaulting her while she was recovering from “phallo surgeries,” the surgeries that attempts to make female genitalia resemble male genitalia.


In a video posted to TikTok, Diamond provides screenshots purported to be from Montoya admitting to the sexual assault.


Diamond explained on her TikTok that the method of phalloplasty she received was the “semi-ridged rod” which is “broken at the base.” She also described the recovery process as “hell” and stated she was bed ridden and had to learn how to walk again.

It was during this time when Diamond was particularly vulnerable post surgery that she alleges the abuse by Montoya occurred.

“I was physically incapable of walking the first 10+ times that [he] r*ped me. I couldn’t run away if I tried & I couldn’t afford to stay anywhere else,” Diamond wrote in her Thread on X.

In the emails, Montoya reportedly said, “I’m really sorry I broke your trust and violated you” and “I’m sorry I forced myself on you.”

Reduxx noted that the email address listed in the video and screenshots made public by Diamond matches the email on Montoya’s personal website. 

On Twitter, Diamond claimed that there are at least four other “confirmed victims.”

“If this surprises you, you haven't been paying attention,” women’s sports advocate Riley Gaines said on X.