
Florida Police Intercept Illegal Immigration Attempt

Police in Palm Beach, Florida detained four individuals over an “illegal immigration attempt,” according to multiple reports.

Reportedly, PBPD responded to a “maritime-based” immigration incident on Sunday morning. A vessel was found beached and it is believed that it was being used to transport migrants. 

Authorities located and detained four people, but believe that there are additional illegal aliens who were aboard the same vessel, according to WPTV.

Earlier this month, the United States Coast Guard intercepted hundreds of illegal aliens in boats headed towards Florida. 

As Townhall covered, a total of 305 people fleeing Bahamas and Haiti were “unlawful maritime migration attempts” during Operation Vigilant Sentry and rescued from unsafe vessels and returned to their countries of origin. The first group, 196 people, were returned to Haiti. The other 109 illegal immigrants were handed over to the Royal Bahamas Defense Force.

"Irregular maritime migration is unlawful and extremely dangerous," Coast Guard Enforcement Officer Lt. Nick Fujimoto said in a statement when the incidents occurred. "The OVS maritime border security mission is often equal parts law enforcement and humanitarian response, especially as we enter hurricane season and marine weather becomes more severe and unpredictable."

Last month, the Coast Guard repatriated 23 Cubans who were en route to the United States by boat, which Townhall also covered.

“Under Title 8, migrants who arrive without authorization will be repatriated and deemed ineligible for legal immigration pathways,” Lt. j.g. Nicholas Fujimoto of the Coast Guard Seventh District Enforcement Branch, said in a statement

“Do not risk your life only to be sent back. Don't take to the sea,” he added.