
A Biden Spokesperson Did Not Just Say *That* to Explain Joe's Wandering Off at G7 Summit

Katie wrote about it yesterday. President Joe Biden was mentally lost during the G7 Summit in Italy. The man looked lost, and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni had to prevent the Delaware liberal from wandering off. It’s a video that speaks to a major concern of voters this year, which the Biden campaign has opted to spin by declaring the video misinformation. Oh, and that it should essentially be censored on social media. The Biden campaign and their liberal media allies have found their go-to talking point for any video showing Joe’s diminished mental state: it’s misinformation or a deep fake:

It's not going to work. If the only thing you can think of to spin the bad press on Joe is that it’s misinformation, you’re losing. Eighty-six percent think Joe is too old to run again—that’s not some outlier. It’s a consensus brought on by these very moments. That’s also not dirty politics, folks. People are worried about Joe’s mental health, and rightfully so. And voters have seen the Biden record—they don’t like it. 

Besides Meloni, the summit was comprised of loser politicians who were either about to lose their upcoming election, had already done so, or were greatly diminished politically back in their home countries. Biden has ushered a period of American weakness, which isn’t surprising since he’s a grade-A moron on foreign policy.


As a refresher, here's the video the Biden camp thinks is misinformation: