
Joe Biden Thinks Felon Son Is Being Victimized

Apparently, Hunter Biden— a newly convicted felon, a master at influence peddling schemes, cocaine, and prostitute addict is innocent. 

According to a Politico report, President Joe Biden believes his corrupt son is a victim of a weaponized Justice System. 

On Tuesday, a Delaware jury found Hunter Biden guilty on all counts of charges related to obtaining a gun and lying on the form about his drug use. 

Coincidently, Biden learned of his son’s conviction while preparing for an event on gun safety.

The report notes that the president feels somewhat responsible for his son’s guilty verdict, claiming that Hunter would have received the plea deal if he weren’t running for reelection. 

Biden had been consumed with the trial for weeks and asked family members for updates when he was on a trip to France for the annual D-Day commemorations, according to two of those people not authorized to speak publicly about private conversations. The president has expressed guilt over the spotlight his career has placed on his son, going so far as to say he believes it’s contributed to his legal troubles. Via Politico. 

The sweetheart plea deal Biden is referring to stems from a 2023 gun-related agreement with the government, in which Hunter was granted a generous plea deal. The judge overseeing that case called the deal “atypical” and “not straightforward,” causing it to fall through. 

“If I weren’t running for reelection, he would have gotten the plea deal,” Biden said, according to a person familiar with the conversation. 

The sweetheart plea deal would have allowed Hunter Biden Hunter to plead guilty in his tax fraud invasion case, in which he failed to pay taxes on more than $1.5 million in income in 2017 and 2018. If it didn’t fall through, the president’s son would have spared him jail time and only sentenced him to probation. 

Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison and $750,000 in fines. His sentencing is expected to happen this fall.