
The Media's Laughable Take on the Hunter Biden Verdict

Hunter Biden has been found guilty of all charges stemming from his federal firearms trial in Wilmington, Delaware. The president’s son faces up to 25 years behind bars, but that’s unlikely to happen. Regardless, the media’s reaction to the verdict was laughably transparent: the rule of law was upheld, folks. There was zero funny business; nothing about this case was political. The Biden Justice Department was going after the president's son, showing that it’s not a political arm of the Democratic Party or the Biden White House. Andrew Weissman, who blurted out his man-crush on Judger Juan Merchan, who presided over the Trump trial in Manhattan, said this verdict shows Joe Biden is the “living embodiment of the rule of law.” If it wasn't about that, it was how this case has become a teaching moment about addiction. 

What a crock. Like the Trump trial in Manhattan, politics oozed from this case. National Review’s Andy McCarthy, a former assistant US Attorney, said the case was a “joke” since it intentionally remained in legal purgatory. According to McCarthy, David Weiss allowed this case to be eaten alive by the statute of limitations. They had a case in 2018. The intent behind the slow walking is explicit.

The Biden Justice Department tried their hardest to suffocate this case. They might have succeeded if it weren’t for IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joesph Ziegler. The two men detailing the Biden DOJ’s reported interference in their investigations into Hunter Biden killed any plans to let this case die silently. The sweetheart plea deal, which would’ve given Hunter blanket immunity, was scuttled, and the events that set this trial into motion were set. The Biden DOJ prosecuted this case because they were forced to do so—it was not out of sworn duty. You’ve been following the chaos behind Hunter Biden. So, when you hear some clown expound about the rule of law and accountability here, you know it’s a lie.


A juror smirked, guys. Oh, the humanity!