
Hillary Clinton's Insulting D-Day Post Reminds Us Why She Lost

If there was any doubt remaining that Hillary Clinton is a contemptuous unelectable partisan, the loser of the 2016 presidential election provided another clear reminder on Thursday. 

According to the twice-failed candidate, voting against Donald Trump this November is the same heroic act in defense of democracy as storming the beaches of Normandy on D-Day. 

"Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy," Clinton wrote in the post on X. "This November, all we have to do is vote."

Voting is important and a right that's sadly often taken for granted — something we're only able to do because of the real heroism of those like the men who fought and died fighting actual evil on D-Day. Shlepping over to the local library to check a few boxes in a voting booth on your way to work is key to preserving our ideals, but it is not the same as sacrificing, fighting, and dying for the freedom of people halfway around the world. 

When Americans cast their ballots this November, they will not have to take an amphibious landing craft across perilous, mine-filled waters. They won't have to sprint onto a beach clutching a firearm under heavy artillery fire from above. Voters won't face the task of scaling the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc with grappling hooks. They won't lose their friends in bloody chaos. And, if they defeat Trump, they will not have liberated millions from tyranny.

Beyond the insulting comparison that belittles the indescribable valor of American and Allied forces on D-Day, there's the rest of Clinton's insinuation to address. In her warped "democracy v. fascism" reality, Trump is Hitler, his supporters are Nazis, and Democrats are the American heroes pushing them back. Clinton, of course, conveniently ignores the reality that her beloved party is mired in anti-American activism, cheering barbaric Hamas terrorists, and routinely disrepects the flag under which D-Day's heroes fought.

What a horrendous way — and therefore perfectly on-brand for tone-deaf Clinton — to observe the solemn anniversary of one of the greatest feats of the free world against actual evil totalitarians. It's another "basket of deplorables" moment. It's why Clinton lost the 2008 primary to Obama and the 2016 election to Trump. She still, as demonstrated with this post, can't figure out why.