
This Liberal Commentator's Views on Hamas Has to Be Peak Historical Illiteracy

The war in Gaza has forced some of the Left’s most odious tendencies to bubble up to the surface. It’s been brewing for years, but a good chunk of the Democratic Party base got exposed for being antisemitic and pro-terrorist as Israel commenced its justified war to wipe out a genocidal terror group called Hamas. It’s also led to one of the most historically illiterate analyses in quite some time.

I don’t care about the event—the insanity in this clip is too much. Here, liberal commentator Briahna Joy Gray tried to sell this line of Hamas not wanting to kill all the Jews, and that they’re like American revolutionaries in some sense:

The reaction says it all: these people are aghast that such idiocy could be strung together. Only a dishonest buffoon would think that Hamas only wants to destroy the idea of a Jewish state, an ethno-national state, and having something like we have here [in the United States]. 

Hamas doesn’t want to kill all the Jews. Even a middle-schooler with access to Google could fact-check this in record time. The killing of all Jews isn’t a regional objective for Hamas but a global one. It’s the number one item. They’ve said they would strive to commit as many October 7 attacks until Israel is destroyed. It’s that barbarism that led to those heinous attacks and Israel’s subsequent invasion of the Gaza Strip. 

Thinking that Hamas is like George Washington crossing the Delaware or any of our Founding Fathers is more disturbing than offensive. There is nothing comparable between the two groups. It’s facially untrue. 

Hamas’ agenda items and statements to their effect aren’t an academic exercise, Ms. Gray. No wonder why Robby Soave exploded at her in the aftermath of the October 7 attacks: