
An Ex-Obama Official Got Really Excited About This Part of the Trump Verdict

Ex-Obama official Norm Eisen nearly jumped out of his seat over the prospect of imprisoning former President Donald Trump. Eisen, a former US Ambassador to the Czech Republic and one of the point persons in the first Trump impeachment effort was ecstatic about yesterday's guilty verdict. Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts in the hush money trial involving former adult entertainer Stormy Daniels. 

Eisen better enjoy this moment because Trump isn’t going to serve one day in jail. This verdict will likely get successfully appealed. Also, Joe Biden is heading for defeat in November if things don’t turn around globally and domestically, and Old Joe doesn’t have the political skill to right the ship on either front. 

The Trump trial was always the Left’s escape from the misery of the Biden administration’s serial failure to lead this country. There is no record to tout, no real leader to rally around. It’s old, frail Joe, who is losing most battleground states. From young people to black voters to Hispanics and even union workers, the old Obama coalition isn’t backing him at the levels required for a smooth re-election. 

The verdict hasn’t moved the needle either. It energized the conservative base, where even anti-Trump Republicans are now reportedly hopping on the Trump train. Meanwhile, this story will serve as quite the juxtaposition for the liberal media. On CNN, they will devote hours to ‘convicted felon Trump,’ though their own data crew has found that most of the country couldn’t care less. 

It hasn’t impacted how voters feel about the former president for various reasons, not least that many of the details of this case were irrelevant to most American families suffering under the Biden inflation crisis. Also, most voters felt Trump couldn’t get a fair trial, nor considered this Manhattan circus a legitimate trial. Many thought it was a way for Democrats to make up some bogus charges to jail the former president.

When Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), who is the most moderate of Republicans on the Hill, calls this verdict trash—not her words, but you get the point—you know others see right through the Left’s lawfare antics.