
Yes, This Actually Happened on Wheel of Fortune

What is going on at Wheel of Fortune? It’s still a family-friendly show, but this moment was undoubtedly X-rated. It was a guess so outrageous that it led to one female contestant shouting what we were all thinking in response: “What?!”

During one of the rudimentary $1000 toss-up word puzzles, where one man opted to go there by guessing “right in the butt.” The female co-contestant was floored, as anyone should be. There were chuckles from the audience. 

Host Pat Sajak kept it professional by simply answering “No."

The correct answer was, “This is the best.” Just watch this unfold:

Sajak then quipped how the contestant, Tavaris, had already made an impression on the show, to which the contestant apologized, saying that he got a little too excited about the puzzle. 

"Well, figure out a way to handle that tastefully," replied Sajak. 

Eons ago, another contestant made a wrong guess on a puzzle where the clue was "People," shouting, “A group of pill-pushers.” The audience laughed, and Sajak responded, “This is Wheel of Fortune, Joe.” 

 Others were noting how this incident might have topped probably one of the greatest game show bloopers of all time on The Newlywed Game: