
Watch a British Commentator Totally Embarrass an Anti-Israel News Host

Ever since the Russian collusion hoax was exposed, along with the Hunter Biden laptop, the media refuses to hold itself accountable—you know this. The worst is the condescension and snobbery among these people. They deserve to get knocked down a peg because this latest example is for the Hall of Fame. It’s not related to Trump or the 2024 election, but another issue where liberals appear to be falling for misinformation: the Israel-Hamas War in Gaza. It’s not wrong information; it’s straight-up terrorist propaganda. 

Jane Dutton, a South African reporter, had Douglas Murray, a New York Post columnist, to discuss the war, which did not go well for her. She trotted out pro-terrorist talking points and flat-out incorrect information, which Murray was not going to stand for. She claimed that the illegal settlements in the West Bank brought on this war. Murray, aghast, slapped down that assumption since Hamas has been shouting their reasons for attacking innocent Israelis: they want to destroy the Jewish state. 

Even worse, Dutton claimed that Hamas recently announced they want a two-state solution with both nations living in peaceful harmony. You could imagine hearing this; what would you expect from someone who worked for Al Jazeera English? 

So, you know she brought up the allegations of genocide in Gaza, which are unfounded and ludicrous. Murray said what’s happening in Gaza is tragic, but this is war; people die in large numbers. The cause of that death and destruction was solely the fault of Hamas when they attacked Israel on October 7, 2023. 

Dutton claimed to have visited Gaza and was visibly annoyed at Murray bulldozing her shoddy talking points while calling her misinformed. She said Gaza was under Israeli occupation. It was not—Gaza hasn’t been occupied since 2005. She then tried to say that the encirclement of the strip was the same thing but refused to say anything about Egypt, which has long closed its border with the Gaza Strip over terrorism concerns. Sutton almost seemed oblivious that Hamas-controlled Gaza shared a border with Egypt. It’s nearly ten minutes of pure savagery against most of the anti-Israel talking points being mentioned in the mainstream media. 

Kudos to Mr. Murray for not allowing these nonsensical talking points to slip past him. The Left is perpetually misinformed and has zero grasp of history. They can't even get what happened in 2005 straight. What a mess.