
WHO Picks Transgender Activists With No Medical Background to Set Global Rules for Children

Our future children are in danger as long as the radical Left remains in power. 

It was one thing for the Left to push their progressive drag queen story hours on children or advocate for sexually explicit books to be read in classrooms. However, it is a whole new level of evil when transgender people are now drafting healthcare policies for children.

In a newly revealed revelation, half of the members of the World Health Organization’s transgender health policy committee are not qualified medical experts. Most are radical gender activists. 

Eleven of the W.H.O.’s 21 members have no formal medical background training, while seven are transgender. Only 10 of the panelists have a degree in medical studies. 

One of the panelists is a controversial Canadian transgender activist and TikTok influencer who believes puberty blockers should be prescribed to all children— regardless of their gender identity— so that they can “choose” their gender rather than being assigned one at birth. 

Another thinks undergoing gender transitioning poses no health risks, claiming the only “actual side effects” of getting a sex change are a “significantly improved quality of life … and trans joy.”

The W.H.O. has invited the 21 members to help formulate guidelines on how countries worldwide should treat gender dysphoria. Many panelists belong to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). This non-profit organization promotes medical treatments for gender dysphoria, which they accuse of being too “pro-medication.”

Ashely, who uses the pronouns “they/them that b****,” says there should not be mental health checks of trans children before they are given puberty blockers and hormone drugs. The progressive W.H.O panelist claims it is a lengthy process “for no real reason.” 

“Gender assessments are really an unnecessary form of gatekeeping that trans communities have been opposing for a while,” the trans added, who also has a “Be gay, do crimes” tattoo. 

However, W.H.O spokesman Tarik Jašarević claimed the guidelines would only focus on adults and not the use of cross-sex hormones and surgeries on children despite some of the members being in favor of allowing such life-alternating treatments for children as young as 13.

Stella O’Malley, psychotherapist and executive director of Genspect, told the Daily Mail that the W.H.O is making a “grave” mistake in advocating for children to undergo life-changing procedures before their brains and bodies have had a chance to develop fully. 

“[They] will determine care guidelines for trans people, yet they do not have anyone to represent critical balance on their panel,” O’Malley said. “The gender affirmative approach is presumed by WHO to be the only way forward and thereby dismisses conventional psychotherapy.”

She argued that it is a narrow-minded and heavily biased approach.