
Ohio’s Top Children’s Hospital Coaches Doctors To Avoid Parents Wary Of Trans Treatments

A top children’s hospital in Ohio is training doctors how to manipulate parents who are wary of allowing their child to undergo permanent sex-change procedures. 

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, which ‌hosted DeWine onsite ahead of his veto and testified against the ban in the legislature, claimed that parental involvement in a child’s choice to change their gender permanently is a priority. However, insider sources say differently.

The hospital’s Transgender Health Center has misrepresented its approach to parental involvement by teaching doctors how to handle skeptical parents with training sessions. 

The hospital’s director, Dr. Lee Ann Conard, suggests several ways to progress a child’s decision towards “gender-affirmation” without parental support. In the training video, she recommends putting children in therapy without informing the parents. Conrad even supports the idea of stopping a young girl’s period.

“Some kids aren’t ready to tell the parents, and we shouldn’t out them,” Conard said. “If the kid doesn’t wanna talk to the parent … are there things we can do medically to help? We can refer a ‌child for therapy without the parent knowing that the ‌kid told us they’re transgender. If they’re having significant anxiety and depression, the other thing is menstrual suppression.”

Conrad advised primary care physicians to begin screening for transgenderism in annual physicals for children as young as three-year-olds. She suggested the yearly screening should be done “when we’re doing our confidential part of the annual exam” for children— indicating that the goal is to avoid parental knowledge.

During the video, Evie Heflin— a social worker who identifies as a trans man— warned doctors that they should avoid referring to transgenderism in a minor’s medical chart in order to hide it from parents. 

“It is really important to think about with the Cares Act, and like, families having more direct access to medical records, to really think about how we’re charting and the things that we’re putting in there,” Heflin said. “We want to make sure that we’re able to protect the safety and the privacy of our patients, especially for families that might not be affirming.” 

The training session makes it clear that the goal of the clinic is to get as many children as possible to undergo “gender-affirming” care, which includes hormone treatments and chest binders. 

The Cincinnati Children’s Hospital transgender center— which has donated thousands of dollars to Gov. Mike DeWine’s (R-OH) campaigns— was significantly funded by the owners of Pure Romance. This sex shop sells adult toys and other intimate products.