
Beirut Drone Strike Takes Out Hamas No. 3

Deputy Hamas Leader Saleh al-Arouri — number 3 in the barbarian organization behind only Yahya Sinwar and Ismail Haniyeh — was killed in a strike near a Hamas media office in Beirut, Lebanon, according to the Iran-backed terrorist group. Officials in Lebanon pinned the attack on Israel, though its government did not immediately comment on the strike. 

The strike took out Arouri and other terrorist targets on the fourth anniversary of the U.S. strike ordered by then-President Trump that killed IRGC Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad's international airport. 

Israel has been engaged in an "international manhunt" for Arouri, one described as similar to the United States' search for Osama bin Laden after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. 

In addition to Israel's hunt for Arouri, the U.S. Department of State offered a $5 million reward for information about the senior Hamas leader in 2018 due to his role in funding and orchestrating Hamas terrorism.

“Israel has openly vowed to take the Gaza war to all leaders of Hamas, no matter where they are," reminded Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) CEO Mark Dubowitz. "That Arouri apparently thought he might be immune in the Hezbollah heartland suggests a major miscalculation on the part of Hamas," he added. "The question now is how Hezbollah will calculate the risks of stepping up its own attacks on Israel in retaliation."

Calling the strike "a message to all terror allies of Iran that no matter where they hide, they will never be secure," FDD Senior Advisor Richard Goldberg added. "Whether Hamas leaders reside in Qatar, Turkey, Lebanon, or another country, they should assume their days are numbered."

"The elimination of Saleh al-Arouri stands as a significant blow to Hamas and a considerable victory for Israel in its current war against Palestinian terrorist groups," noted Joe Truzman, research analyst at FDD's Long War Journal. "Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that this accomplishment is merely one of many goals Israel must achieve in order to dismantle Hamas and its partners."

Unsurprisingly but no less disgracefully, the Biden administration's response to the successful strike which took out a senior Hamas leader and some other bloodthirsty Iran-backed terrorists was to distance itself from the strike and claim that the U.S. had warned Israel against taking out the people responsible for the deadliest single day for Jews since the Holocaust. 

Undeterred by Biden's lukewarm reactions, Israel has continued to eliminate the leaders responsible for the deadly and ongoing assault on its country by barbaric terrorists. The end for Arouri follows the IDF's successful elimination of a senior Nukhba Company Commander who also had a role in the October 7 terrorist attacks against Israel:

The fewer terrorists allowed to walk the earth, the better.