
March for Life Sets Its Sights on 2024

Next year’s March for Life theme will be Pro-Life: With Every Woman, for Every Child, the organization announced at a press conference on Monday. 

“For years, the pro-life movement has been accused of not doing enough to support and accompany women, before and after birth,” March for Life President Jeanne Mancini said. “We hold that choosing life is empowering and that love saves lives.”

“Women deserve to know all of their options in our culture. And, that includes the love, compassion and free resources that are available to them through the vast pro-life safety net. Our theme, With Every Woman, for Every Child, speaks to the reality that the pro-life movement comes alongside women before, during, and after her pregnancy,” Mancini added. “When a woman is facing an unexpected pregnancy, what she most needs to hear is ‘you can do this, you got this, and we’re going to help you’... that is what the heart of the pro-life movement is about.” 

Last week, elections in Ohio and Virginia advanced the pro-abortion agenda. In Ohio, specifically, voters chose to enshrine abortion in the state’s constitution. This came after a slew of states had previously passed laws protecting unborn life, which Townhall covered. Going into 2024, there will be elections in other states to decide on abortion policy. And, the pro-life movement plans to continue to work on pro-life efforts to help women and families.

“In the Mississippi Dobbs case, we asked the Supreme Court to return the issue of abortion to the states, for the people, through their leaders, to decide how to best promote the dignity of life and support mothers and children. And when the Supreme Court did just that, it became incumbent on all of us to find ways to match the compassion in our hearts with the compassion in justice in our laws, ” Mississippi Deputy Attorney General Whitney Lipscomb said at the conference. In 2021, Attorney General Lynn Fitch defended the state’s 15-week ban on abortion. The case made its way to the Supreme Court, which resulted in the overturn of Roe v. Wade

“As part of the new Dobbs era, General Fitch launched the Empowerment Project, which is a policy initiative focused on empowering women and promoting life,” Lipscomb explained. 

Other speakers, Dr. John Bruchalski, the founder of Divine Mercy Care, and Jean Marie Davis, the director of Branches Pregnancy Resource Center, spoke about how pro-life centers have escalated their efforts to help women in a post-Roe America.

“This year’s theme celebrates the heroic work of these organizations, while offering a roadmap to how we will truly achieve a life-affirming culture that respects the inherent dignity of all human life,” Mancini concluded.