
Ex-Muslim Points Out One Figure That Shreds the False Gaza Genocide Narrative

First, let’s get this out of the way: Israel isn’t committing genocide in Gaza. They don’t target civilians; that’s Hamas. Hamas has kept 2 million people as human shields against their will as they hide in their terror tunnels below. Those Gazans who have tried to flee, reading the warnings Israeli forces have dropped for weeks, they’re gunned down by the terrorists. 

The fake hospital bombing was the spark that set off the false narrative that Israel was committing genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza. It was Palestinian Islamic Jihad who hit the hospital’s parking lot with an errant rocket salvo. Still, the fake news that permeates the Left has been shocking to watch. Only antisemitism and hatred of Jews can permit such an expansive proliferation of bad information among a political group. It's evident with these rallies, which have devolved into ‘kill all the Jews gatherings.

Anti-Israel nonsense isn’t new, but it’s reached a new and dangerous level. Over the weekend, hordes of pro-terrorist activists tried to storm the White House, leaving bloodied handprints all over the outer walls. 

With the Left convinced that Israelis are killing Gazans intentionally—again, a total lie—one ex-Muslim shreds that narrative with a single tweet. It’s a lengthy one, but Harris Sultan points out the hypocrisy in the lefty outrage over the alleged Israeli genocide in Gaza, pointing out that no one cared when the Saudi Arabians were allegedly committing egregious acts against Yemeni civilians. Also, where were the mass protests when Syria gassed its people? Sultan's post appears to be based on a discussion he had with his moderate Muslim father, who was appalled by the images of dead children in Gaza, asking his son why he was supporting "genocide."

When informed of past acts where Arabs were killing Arabs, like in Yemen, he said he disagreed with what Saudi Arabia did. Sultan replied, “How convenient” for you. The Arab world goes silent when other Arabs kill their own but lose their minds when Israel defends itself in the aftermath of a vicious terror attack. Sultan points out that such intense reactions can only be driven by hatred of Jews: 

My dad, who is a moderate Muslim, finally expressed his concern and asked me, 'Why are you supporting this genocide?' 

He mentioned that he's stopped looking at his phone because he can no longer bear to watch videos of Palestinian children being bombed by Israel. 

I replied, 'I empathize with the suffering, and it's not easy for me either.' 

Then I showed him a photo, and we both agreed on the gravity of the situation in Palestine. 

I then informed him that the photo was actually of a Yemeni child pulled from the rubble resulting from a Saudi bombing in Yemen. 

I pointed out that Israel has allegedly killed 7,000 Palestinians, while the Saudis have killed at least 150,000 Yemeni Muslims. Some estimates suggest upto 300,000. 

How can we call the current conflict a 'genocide' when what the Saudis did is hardly even discussed by Muslims? Don’t get me started on 200,000 Muslims killed by Bashar Al Asad [sic] in Syria. 

He responded that if that's the case, he also disagrees with what the Saudis did. I replied, 'How convenient. Nearly half a MILLION fellow Muslims have been killed by other Muslims, and you didn't even know about it. Yet when Israel retaliates against a terrorist organization that has killed, raped, and maimed 1,500 of its citizens, the whole Muslim world reacts?' 

It seems to have less to do with preserving Muslim lives and more to do with a religious fantasy of hostility toward Jews.

So, if all these rallies are about saving Arab lives, these progressives are very late to the party and probably don’t know about the death toll from Muslim-on-Muslim violence in recent wars, which stands around 500,000. But I think we know they wouldn’t care. These gatherings aren’t about saving lives—it’s about helping Hamas and voicing support for the destruction of Israel.