
Mother, Son Charged With Kidnapping Over Minor’s Out-of-State Abortion

An 18-year-old man and his mother have been arrested after police said he raped a 15-year-old girl and took her across state lines for an abortion.

According to the Idaho State Journal, Kadyn Leo Swainston, 18, and his mother, Rachael Swainston, of Pocatello, were each charged with several felony crimes following an investigation that began in June.

ISJ noted that Kadyn Swainston has been charged with rape, second-degree kidnapping and three counts of producing child sexually exploitative material. Rachael Swainston has been charged with second-degree kidnapping, trafficking in methamphetamine, two counts of possession of a controlled substance – one each for possessing fentanyl and psychedelic mushrooms — and one count of harboring a wanted felon.

Reportedly, the investigation started in June when the 15-year-old girl’s mother contacted authorities to report that her child had been raped. Additionally, the mother claimed that her child was taken to Bend, Oregon for an abortion without her permission. 

In a forensic interview in August, the 15-year-old girl disclosed that she was in a consensual relationship with Kadyn Swainston that began when he was 17 and continued after he turned 18, the report claims. After Kadyn turned 18, she discovered that she was pregnant. While she was “happy” about the pregnancy, Kadyn was not and “demanded” she get an abortion.

On May 18, the 15-year-old claimed, Rachael Swainston allegedly rented a car and traveled with her and Kadyn to Oregon for an abortion. The teenage girl provided law enforcement with the medical documentation she received after the abortion.

Phone records from Kadyn and Rachael indicate that they traveled to Bend, Oregon on May 18.

Additionally, the 15-year-old provided police permission to “forensically extract data from her cell phone,” which showed photos and a video of Kadyn and herself “engaging in various sex acts.” In an interview, Kadyn admitted to engaging in sex acts with the girl after he turned 18. He also admitted that his mother transported her to Oregon to get an abortion. 

During the search warrant, police located over 40 grams of meth in Rachael’s room and arrested a man who was “staying in her storage shed.” He was arrested on an outstanding felony for felony meth trafficking charges.

Reportedly, the felony meth trafficking charge Rachael faces carries a maximum penalty of up to life in prison if she is convicted. If convicted of the four other felony charges, Rachael faces up to 44 years in prison and a fine of up $130,000.

If convicted of the rape charge, Kadyn faces up to life in prison. Reportedly, the other four felony charges he faces carry a maximum penalty of up to 115 years in prison and a fine of up to $200,000.

This year, Idaho introduced a first-of-its-kind legislation surrounding abortion. Gov. Brad Little, a Republican, made history by signing an “abortion trafficking” bill into law, ensuring that adults do not take pregnant minors across state lines to terminate a pregnancy. 

“An adult who, with the intent to conceal an abortion from the parents or guardian of a pregnant, un-emancipated minor, either procures an abortion … or obtains an abortion-inducing drug for the pregnant minor to use for an abortion by recruiting, harboring, or transporting the pregnant minor within this state commits the crime of abortion trafficking,” the law, H.B. 242, states, which Townhall covered. Those who break the law could face two to five years behind bars and be sued by the child’s parent or legal guardian.

State Rep. Kevin Andrus, a Republican, told the Associated Press that parents’ rights were the main focus of the bill. 

“We want to make sure that parents have a say in the life choices of their children,” Andrus said. “It will do a lot to save lives.”