
Did Joe Biden Reveal Delta Force Operators in Israel?

Editor's Note: Katie also covered this screw-up of epic proportions


You’ve got to be kidding me. 

I thought Joe Biden’s semi-quip about Hamas learning to shoot straight regarding the Gaza hospital bombing was bad enough. By the way, it was confirmed that the terrorists struck that location with their rockets and that the death toll was grossly exaggerated. Hundreds didn’t die—it was more like 10-50. Again, don’t believe a terrorist organization’s lies.

Now, it looks like the Biden White House shared an image of Delta Force operators in Israel. This snafu comes as drone strikes injured American personnel in Syria, and Americans in Lebanon were warned to leave the country as Israel prepares to invade Gaza. Hezbollah has vowed an all-out war against Israel should they invade. Meanwhile, our State Department warned all Americans aboard to know their surroundings in tourist areas. And there’s a good chance the American embassy in Beirut will have to evacuate.

But the doxxing of special forces in Israel—could you imagine if Trump had made this error (via Newsweek):

The White House is facing backlash over potentially compromising U.S. soldiers' identities after posting a photo to Instagram featuring President Joe Biden and a group of American troops deployed in Israel. 

In the since-deleted post, which was screen-shotted and shared to X, formerly Twitter, by Sam Shoemate, a self-described intelligence analyst, Biden is photographed shaking hands with American troops standing among U.S. and Israeli flags. The caption on the post reads that the president "met with first responders to thank them for their bravery and the work they're doing in response to the Hamas terrorist attacks." 

According to Shoemate, the photo was up on Instagram for roughly an hour and had "hundreds of thousands" of views before the White House social media team deleted the post. The original picture also did not blur or censor the faces of the American soldiers in the frame. Shoemate's post to X blocked out the troops' faces.

Do we still trust this man to captain the ship as the world heads toward chaos in the Middle East? And he must handle his activities for re-election. Joe can’t do it.