
Nancy Mace Had a Brutal Interview on CNN About Her Vote to Remove McCarthy

What did Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) think when she went on CNN for this interview with host Kaitlan Collins, who trapped her regarding her vote to boot Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from the speakership? Mace was one of eight Republicans to side with Democrats to take the gavel away from McCarthy. Now, she claims, and she’s probably right, that the establishment is going after her fundraising, which is why she plugged her website during what would become a disastrous interview. 

Collins had the receipts, where Mace excoriated Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who filed the motion to vacate against McCarthy on Tuesday, for fundraising off the multiple rounds he put the House chamber through when voting on California’s initial speakership bid at the start of the new Congress in January. Mace called Gaetz a fraud, saying he diminished the constitutional process with every fundraising email he sent during that multiple-ballot circus earlier this year. 

All Mace could do was tell people she was not fundraising from the motion to vacate while telling people to visit her website. Mace added that she’s not beholden to outside groups, which her former spokesperson exposed as a lie: 

Forget the reorganizational aspects House Republicans must do, thanks to Gaetz. Love him or hate him, this is him, and he was going to file this motion at some point, one way or the other; he hates McCarthy. Mace’s reasoning is so far out of left field that even Laura Ingraham had to do a double-take. Gaetz’s points about spending, the debt, and the deficit are well-taken, but Mace saying she backed the motion to remove McCarthy because he wasn’t moving fast enough on women’s issues is beyond disingenuous. Mace sounded like a liberal Democrat on Tuesday. 

Is she that starved for attention? Also, she had to have known CNN was going to corner her. What a brutal interview.