
You Won't Believe How Many Democrats Want to Limit American's Freedom of Speech

The Democratic Party won't stop until the United States is a Marxist, socialist country no longer recognizable to our ancestors. 

According to a recent RealClearPolitics poll, 34 percent of Democrats believe Americans have "too much freedom" of speech, compared with just 14.6 percent of Republicans who said the same. 

Seventy-four percent of Republicans argued that freedom of speech should be legal "under any circumstances," while only 53 percent of Democrats agreed.

The poll also found that Republicans were more than twice as likely as Democrats to say Americans have "too little freedom," with 46 percent believing this compared with only 22 percent of Democrats. 

As an example of the First Amendment already being restricted, several prominent journalists joined Twitter CEO Elon Musk in releasing "The Twitter Files," a set of emails and correspondences that revealed how social media platforms and federal agencies partnered up to censor content that put the Left in lousy light. 

More than half of Democrat-leaning voters, 52 percent, said that the government should be allowed to censor social media posts and "disinformation" to protect national security. 

Freedom of speech used to be considered a traditional value that defines the United States as a democracy. However, these days, the First Amendment has been condemned by Democrats who feel it needs to be controlled. 

"House Democrats want to violate the First Amendment and harm journalists to give more control to the FEC," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said in 2019. "Democrats continue to fixate on chipping away at the First Amendment. It is a pet project they return to time and time again. It's disturbing. Especially in light of recent, blatant attempts to intimidate Americans into silence." 

Recently, college campuses have seen increased intimidation from liberal activists who disrupt conservative speakers. 

Last year, over 100 Yale Law students attempted to shut down a bipartisan free speech event by intimidating attendees and causing chaos. 

In addition, the survey also found that three-fourths of Democrats believe the federal government "has a responsibility" to limit hate speech and "misinformation."