
Trump Vows to Review Cases of Biden’s 'Political Prisoners' Who Were Targeted for Their Pro-Life Beliefs

President Joe Biden's hate of conservatives is stronger than ever, causing former President Trump to promise Republicans he will fight tooth and nail for them. 

Over the weekend, Trump announced that if elected in 2024, he will create a special task force specifically designed to review cases of Biden's "political prisoners."

During the Family Research Council's "Pray, Vote, Stand Summit" in Washington, D.C., Trump vowed to get innocent Americans out of jail for standing up for their beliefs while criminals run rampant. 

"I am announcing that the moment I win the election, I will appoint a special task force to rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner who has been unjustly persecuted by the Biden administration," Trump said. 

The former president referred to the recent convictions of five pro-life activists who prayed and gave information pamphlets outside an abortion center in D.C. 

Trump touted his efforts to be one of the only presidents who fought so hard for Christians, pointing to achievements during his term. 

He highlighted that he was the first president ever to convene a meeting at the United Nations to "end religious persecution worldwide."

The 45th president also touted his actions to protect the lives of unborn babies, saying he was the first sitting president to attend the March for Life event in Washington, D.C. 

While speaking to a large crowd of faith-based conservatives, Trump said his initiative would amend the "cruel travesties of justice" Americans have faced under Biden's presidency. 

"If we stand together in this fight, we're going to defeat Crooked Joe Biden; if he runs — will he make it to the starting gate?" The 45th president continued. 

Trump, who is dominating the polls, continued his speech, condemning the Democrats for interfering with the upcoming presidential election by subjecting him to ongoing political and legal persecution. 

"It's happening for a single reason…because I'm the only candidate they don't want to run against," the former president said, adding that Biden's war on Trump has turned the nation into a "banana republic."