
What Trump Said That Has Christie ‘Really Concerned’ About His Mental Health

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Donald Trump’s latest attacks have him “really concerned for his mental health.”   

The insults, which were made on “The Hugh Hewitt Show,” were so sharp the Salem radio host likened it to running Christie over with a car, reversing, and doing it again and again. 

Trump called the former governor “a crazed lunatic” who “couldn’t run for dog catcher,” “not a very smart person,” and “a very disturbed person” who he never wanted to offer a job “because I didn’t trust him.”

Asked for his reaction to the comments, Christie explained his concerns: 

“Look, Hugh, if it wasn’t so disturbing that someone like him is actually running for president, you know, I would just feel badly for him. I mean, you know, this is a guy who offered me secretary of Homeland Security twice, who offered me secretary of Labor, who offered me White House chief of staff in December of 2018, all four of those jobs I turned down. He made me chairman of his transition in 2016 and prepared the entire transition from May of ’16 through the election. He made me chairman of his opioid and drug abuse commission, and then adopted every one of the recommendations of the commission that I chaired. He asked me to prepare him for the debate against Hillary Clinton in 2016, and I did so. He asked me to prepare him for the debate in 2020 against Joe Biden, and I did so. I would assume you wouldn’t ask someone to do all those things if you really thought they were not very smart and deeply disturbed. So you know, this is a guy who makes things up as he goes along, and I’ll tell you, is obviously under an extraordinary amount of pressure, given what he’s done, what his conduct has been, and the ramifications of that conduct. So you know, I’m concerned for him, because I think he must not be doing well to say the things he said yesterday, but I think anybody who looks at what his objective actions have been over the course of his relationship with me, and what he said yesterday, they know what he was saying yesterday is just so odd and disturbing that it should make everybody question whether this guy really has the psychological capacity to be a candidate for president, let alone president again.” (The Hugh Hewitt Show)

Christie also gave Newsmax's Eric Bolling his reaction to the comments. 

Trump is dominating the GOP field by more than 38 percentage points, according to RealClearPolitics' average of national polling, while Christie has failed to reach even 3 percent.