
Clarence Thomas Releases Records in Rebuke to Left's Attacks

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas released a number of documents Thursday detailing his finances. The disclosure comes after months of relentless attacks from the left, Democrats on Capitol Hill and contradicts claims from leftist media he has acted improperly. 

"Over the course of his 44 years in public service in all three branches of government, Justice Thomas has always strived for full transparency and adherence to the law, including with respect to what personal travel needed to be reported,"  Thomas' attorney Elliot Berke released in a statement.

"We recognize that the Judicial Conference is in receipt of ethics complaints filed against Justice Thomas by left wing organizations with largely undisclosed supporters that stand diametrically opposed to his judicial philosophy," Berke continued. "We look forward to answering any additional questions or addressing any remaining issues with it and its staff in the wake of these sensationalized allegations."

The financial documents, which span nine pages, show Thomas never received gifts from anyone with business before the Supreme Court. 

Meanwhile, more than 100 former clerks for Thomas signed a letter backing his good character. 

Republicans on Capitol Hill are coming to Thomas' defense. 

"The Left has been out to get Justice Clarence Thomas for over 30 years. They started before he was even confirmed. Despite their baseless attacks, he has not stopped standing up for the rule of law and the Constitution," Congressmen Jim Jordan, Chip Roy and Mike Johnson released in a statement. "He is a threat to the radical progressives' agenda because he openly defies them and he cannot be intimidated. We pray for Justice Thomas and his family and thank him for his decades of faithful service to our nation."