
Is This Who the White House Is Blaming for Cocainegate?

It's been one week since cocaine was found at the White House and confirmed by Secret Service agents. Who did it belong to? There still isn't a named suspect and officials are refusing to flatly say it didn't belong to President Joe Biden's son, Hunter, who is a crack cocaine addict. 

But it seems at least one White House official has his own suspicions about who left cocaine just outside the Situation Room. 

"I would make a point about the Situation Room because I think there's been a lot of questionable reporting on this. The Situation Room is not in use and has not been in use for months because it is currently under construction.  We are using an alternate Situation Room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building," White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said during a press briefing last week. "So the only people coming in and going out of the Sit Room in this period have been workers who are getting it ready to go."

The workers? Sounds like the excuse Hunter Biden used when his pistol, which he obtained illegally, was thrown into a dumpster just outside of an elementary school. From POLITICO

The Federal Bureau of Investigation also responded to the scene, according to people familiar with the situation. At the time, the FBI was monitoring Hunter Biden as part of an investigation that remains ongoing and that currently focuses on his taxes. The FBI declined to comment.

In addition to questioning Hallie, police called Hunter to the scene, where he was questioned outside the store’s loading dock area and explained he used the gun for target practice, according to the report.

At one point, two of Janssen’s employees, described by the police report as “Mexican males,” walked past the loading dock area, and Hunter told a police officer that the store had some suspicious people working for it. Asked if he was referring to those two staffers, Hunter responded, “Yea, prolly illegal,” according to the report.