
All the Liberal Meltdowns After SCOTUS Handed Conservatives a Win

Just in time as the country gears up to celebrate America's Independence Day, the Supreme Court handed conservatives an ultimate win, causing liberals to meltdown and cry. 

Following the SCOTUS decision to strike down President Joe Biden's $400 billion student loan forgiveness plan, Democrats quickly condemned Chief Justice John Roberts' opinion on the decision to deal the Left a major blow. 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) went on a long-winded rant defending Biden's plan while attacking President Trump— because that's all Democrats know how to do. 

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) also criticized the Supreme Court's ruling claiming the fight to make hardworking Americans shell out their well-earned money for millions of students' education was not over. 

Squad member Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) called on the president to use "other tools available" to overturn the high court's 6-3 ruling. 

"While the Supreme Court closed the door to this approach, I refuse to believe there's no path forward," Padilla said. 

The hysteria did not end there. 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) refused to accept that Republicans were successful, saying, "The Biden administration has remaining legal routes to provide broad-based student debt cancellation."

It is worth noting Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s reaction to the Supreme Court ruling made on Thursday that colleges can no longer consider race in their decisions for accepting applicants. 

She penned a lengthy opinion about how she is heartbroken now that Asians will have a fair shot at college admissions. 

On the contrary, Republicans praised the Supreme Court's Friday ruling that destroyed Biden's plan that was "an egregious violation of the Constitution."

"Joe Biden's massive trillion-dollar student loan bailout subsidizes the education of elites on the backs of hardworking Americans, and it was an egregious violation of the Constitution for him to attempt to do so unilaterally with the stroke of the executive pen," former Vice President Mike Pence stated. 

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) released a video advocating for a "president who values hard work and the people who do it." 

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif) praised the Republican win while condemning Biden's "unlawful" student loan forgiveness plan.