
Democratic Trans State Senator Announces Bid for Congress

Delaware state Sen. Sarah McBride, who is transgender, announced Monday that “she” is running for Congress in 2024. 

McBride, 32, made the announcement in a video posted to Twitter. 

“Too many politicians want to divide us,” McBride said in the ad, over footage of Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), who is running for president, as well as Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). 

“My commitment is to the people in Delaware who aren’t seen. Who don’t shout the loudest or fund political campaigns,” McBride added.

In a Twitter thread, McBride said he protected abortion rights and gun control in the state Senate. 

“I have the experience and the determination to deliver bold change in Congress,” McBride wrote, adding that “in 2020, I became the first openly trans person elected to serve as a State Senator anywhere in the country.” 

According to a 2012 report from American University Radio, McBride used the school’s newspaper, The Eagle, to announce that he would transition to live as a woman. Reportedly, McBride “worked to progress the LGBT agenda on campus,” which included establishing gender-neutral housing for first-year students and helping to create an “LGBT and queer studies” minor for students. 

The Washington Post noted that McBride was the first “openly transgender” person to serve in the White House in 2012 as an intern for former President Barack Obama. In 2016, McBride was the first transgender person to speak at the Democratic National Convention. McBride is also a former national press secretary for the Human Rights Campaign.

In the state Senate, the Post added, McBride worked on sponsoring a constitutional amendment to add “gender identity” to Delaware’s equal rights amendment. McBride reportedly “has ties to President Biden and his Delaware-based family.”