
Fans Who Met Kamala Harris Desperately Want You to Know She's a Good VP

It is no secret Vice President Kamala Harris has likability issues, from her inability to not be off-script and her nervous cackle she throws in every few words. It's one of the many reasons why her approval ratings are low.

It has become a meme at this point to where whenever Harris speaks publicly, there is a guarantee she will come up with a repetitive word salad that will leave everyone wondering what she is trying to say. That is, of course, after everyone is done finished trying to figure out what President Joe Biden just said at a public event.    

But two high-profile Democrats took to Twitter to say the public's impression of the vice president is simply wrong.

Political commentator David Rothkopf said he wish his meeting with Harris was televised so the country could see how se was "exceptional--insightful, moving, masterfully in command of the issues."      

"I am certain that anyone who had the opportunity to interact with her as I did would come away with an entirely different [and] highly encouraging perspective on our Vice President. Further, it was also clear her excellent team was committed to ensuring more people saw her up close," Rothkopf also wrote in his lengthy praise of Harris, adding, "She has also been working much harder than many people understand playing a central role for the administration on the biggest national security issues of the day..."      

Democrat political consultant Julie Zebrak chimed in to say Harris definitely is not the airhead she has been made out to be.