
LA Dodgers Pull 'Community Hero Award' for Drag Queens Who Mock Catholic Nuns

After the Los Angeles Dodgers planned to honor the local chapter of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a worldwide collective of "queer and trans" drag queens who mock Roman Catholic nuns, with the Community Hero Award during the team's Pride Night ceremony, the franchise has decided to disinvite the LGBTQ+ group of anti-Catholic radicals following immense outcry.

"We are now aware that our inclusion of one group in particular — The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence — in this year's Pride Night has been the source of some controversy," the MLB team stated in a Wednesday tweet, announcing: "Given the strong feelings of people who have been offended by the sisters' inclusion in our evening, and in an effort not to distract from the great benefits that we have seen over the years of Pride Night, we are deciding to remove them from this year's group of honorees."

The so-called "Sisters"—who have vulgar, blaphemous stage names such as T'aint A Virgin, Anal Receptive a.k.a. Cardinal Sin of the Carnal Craving, Porn Again, Holly Lewya, and Tilly Comes Again!—were supposed to be awarded for their "countless hours of community service, ministry, and outreach to those on the edges, in addition to promoting...respect for...spiritual enlightenment" at the team's 10th annual LGBTQ+ Pride Night on June 16, a pre-game yearly tradition that highlights "diversity and resilience" within the Dodgers fanbase as well as spotlights "the impactful work of extraordinary community groups."

This year, the group's donation-funded grants pay for progressive projects like Valid USA, which provides "transgender" children with chest binders and implement "K-12 gender support plans" for trans-identified students; an indigineous "two-spirit" sweat lodge to be built in Indian Canyon; and Navigating Consent, a series of interactive workshops presented by the "Ethical Slut."

Disgraced ex-Biden official Sam Brinton, who was charged three times with stealing women's suitcases, is also a "non-binary," "gender-fluid" member of the sacrilegious drag-queen society going by the alter-ego Sister Ray Dee O'Active. Brinton spoke at the organization's 2021 "Lavender Mass" to pay tribute to and perform a "sainting" ceremony for Dr. "Daddy [Anthony] Fauci."

Among the abhhorent actions of the "Order," whose male members dress as nuns in mockery of the faith, the co-founders, Sister Vicious Power Hungry B*tch and Sister Missionary Position, once wore the habits of a Roman Catholic convent to a gay nude beach, and in 2007, the group tricked the archbishop of San Francisco into giving them the Eucharist during Holy Communion.

This past Easter Sunday, the "Sisters" hosted a "Jesus and Mary-themed striptease" at Dolores Park where a pole dancer was "writhing upside down on a large wooden cross," according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Shirtless men were also there competing to be crowned the "hunkiest" Jesus along with contestants vying to win the group's longtime "Foxy Mary" contest.

In response to the Dodgers withdrawing "a promised honor to the Sisters," the group's San Francisco branch issued a press release Thursday condemning the decision, and the LA arm also published a statement reacting to the retraction on their website.

"We are disappointed [the Dodgers] have chosen to un-ally themselves with us in our ongoing service to the public...We are queer nuns serving our people just as nuns of other cultures serve theirs...If being true to oneself with love, joy, and pride is a sin, then we, having been canceled by the New York Post, and now the Dodgers, will do what we always do," reads the statement from the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence's LA house, vowing: "We will go out and sin some more," referring to the parent organization's motto, "Go forth and sin some more!"—a perversion of Jesus's command from John 8:11, "Go and sin no more."

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) was among the Catholics who sent formal complaints to MLB commissioner Robert Manfred.

"Major League Baseball, as a private organization in a free country, can give awards to whatever groups it chooses, no matter how loathsome," reads Monday's letter Rubio addressed to Manfred. "But baseball has always been tied to our nation’s values, at the heart of which is faith in God. It would be an outrage and a tragedy if the MLB, in pursuit of modern, secular, and indeed anti-religious 'values,' rebuked that faith and the millions of believing fans who cherish the sport," Rubio's memo declared.

Pointing out that Manfred once urged while holding court with members of the media at the 2022 MLB Winter Meetings, "We need to make decisions that are as inclusive and welcoming to everyone as possible" and "keep us as apolitical as possible," Rubio questioned whether the league will choose to be just as inclusive and welcoming to Christians by nixing ties with the cross-dressing horde, which the Republican Florida senator accused of performing acts of "diabolical parodies" and "lewd imitation."

Advocacy organization CatholicVote's president Brian Burch also wrote to the Dodgers and copied the letter to the MLB head.

"The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (SPI) are an anti-Catholic hate group which exists to desecrate and degrade the Catholic faith," Burch wrote, asserting that SPI's "vile" actions go "far beyond parody or satire" and are "deeply offensive" to Christians everywhere. "Their sole mission is to disgust Christians with the most grotesque acts they can imagine...If the Dodgers are truly committed to fighting bigotry and promoting inclusivity, as you have often claimed, you must cancel this award," he concluded.

"It's bad enough to drag down baseball—which ought to be synonymous with the best of America," added CatholicVote vice president Joshua Mercer in a press release. "But the LA Dodgers—with the blessing of Major League Baseballare doing more than pollute our national pastime with woke intolerance and far-Left propaganda: They're directly attacking religious Americans."

CatholicVote shared Manfred's office number and the email address of the Dodgers fan-feedback inbox, asking "every baseball fan in America" to contact the administration and demand that the award be scrapped. "For a revered, all-American institution like the Dodgers to bring the SPI into the mainstream and honor them is reprehensible," Burch wrote, further voicing to Fox News that the initial choice to commemorate the activist drag-queen performers amid hundreds of violent attacks on Catholic churchs across America had signaled an "alarming," "dangerous normalization of anti-Catholic bigotry that should not be tolerated."