
MSNBC Analyst: Pardon for Daniel Perry Tells BLM Protesters Their Lives Don't Matter

MSNBC analyst Mara Gay said on "Morning Joe" Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) wanting to issue a pardon to Army Sgt. Daniel Perry after being convicted of murder for shooting a BLM protester who brandished an AK-47 in his face during a 2020 protest tells BLM supporters their lives do not matter.

Gay, who is also a New York Times editorial board member, also said the incident proves the country has too many guns in too many hands.

"My first thought is we just have too many guns in America. How tragic, that we could have somebody who would be so irresponsible, you know, in such a heated situation, just add a gun into that. This is the tragedy that you get. It doesn’t have to be this way you know, the Black Lives Matter protests were overwhelmingly peaceful protests about the dignity of human lives, that’s what that was about," Gay said.

Abbott wanting the parole board to fast track Perry's case, sends a painful message, according to Gay, that "the protesters who out there that day, that their lives really don’t matter. That is what this message is about. We are supposed to have a justice system that works if everybody. This is blatantly political and blatantly unfair."

In a affidavit, the lead detective in Perry's case says the Soros-backed district attorney made him remove exculpatory information that he planned on presenting to the grand jury during his testimony.