
Trump Says He Will Cut Funding From Schools Teaching CRT and 'Transgender Insanity'

Former President Donald Trump said this week that if he becomes president again in 2024, he will cut funding from schools that are teaching children divisive curriculum such as Critical Race Theory (CRT) and transgender ideology. 

“What they’re teaching in schools today is insane,” Trump said in remarks in Iowa. "I will immediately sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school that's pushing Critical Race Theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children. They're children!"

“I said the other day I will bring back parental rights into our school system,” Trump added. “As president, I’ll fight to expand that right to every single state in America.”

According to a Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll released this month, the majority of Iowans support legislation restricting curriculum teaching about and sexual orientation gender identity ideology. 

Other issues Trump spoke on included school choice and “breaking up” the U.S.Department of Education. 

On the issue of COVID-19, Trump said that he “will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or mask mandate from kindergarten through college.” Many colleges across the country implemented vaccine and booster mandates for students to attend classes.

And, since the New York Times’ 1619 Project is being taught in some schools, Trump said he would push back against this by creating the “1776 Commission” to teach kids about the history of the United States. 

In recent years, Republican lawmakers have spearheaded initiatives that protect parents’ rights in their children’s education and keep CRT and sexual orientation and transgender education out of schools. 

In recent years, Republican lawmakers have spearheaded initiatives that protect parents’ rights in their children’s education and keep CRT and sexual orientation and transgender education out of schools, which Townhall has covered.

In 2021, Gov. Glenn Youngkin flipped Virginia red in the gubernatorial election in 2021 after a debate with former Democrat Gov. Terry McAuliffe. In the debate, McAuliffe said “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” Youngkin won the election.