
Did This Oscar Winner Take a Swipe at Don Lemon?

Hollywood elites gathered in all their self-aggrandizing glory on Sunday night for the 95th Academy Awards and, even though they controlled their slap-happiness this year, one award winner raised eyebrows with her acceptance speech.

After winning the Oscar for Best Actress, Michelle Yeoh — who earned her Academy Award in "Everything Everywhere All at Once" — delivered an optimistic acceptance speech. 

"Dream big and dreams do come true," Yeoh said. "For all the little boys and girls who look like me watching tonight, this is a beacon of hope and possibilities," she added as she made history as the first Asian to win an Oscar for Best Actress.

Yeoh then declared, "Ladies, don't let anybody tell you you are ever past your prime," to which the crowd responded with uproarious applause. "Never give up," the 60-year-old actress added. Watch:

Well, that sounds an awful lot like a rebuttal to the now-infamous claim Don Lemon made on CNN that a woman is "past her prime" after her 40s in an attempt to criticize Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley:

Has CNN, or at least Don Lemon, lost the adoration of Hollywood? As its ratings continue their downward slide, it wouldn't be surprising for actors and actresses to join those changing the channel from CNN. 

So far, Yeoh hasn't commented on her remarks to confirm whether or not they were pointed at Lemon. Regardless, it's a good reminder that, contrary to the "messenger" who apparently uses Google to confirm his seemingly thinly veiled sexist ageism, women don't age out of their prime.