
The Mainstream Media Suddenly Cares About Riots Being Sanitized in the News

The mainstream media can't help but expose themselves as the liberal and progressive partisan actors they are. The most recent outrage displayed comes after Fox News host Tucker Carlson aired previously unseen footage of the riot at the Capitol building on January 6, 2021.

As someone who was there and wrote a whole book about all the most recent riots, I can't help but laugh cynically at the media trying to fact-check Carlson's description of that day. Their attacks on Carlson came shortly after he aired the footage that helped provide more context to what happened inside the Capitol.

Let's put this in perspective. The mainstream media had no issues calling what was happening at the Capitol on January 6 a riot. In fact, they have taken it a step further by calling it an insurrection and worse than the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. It's overwrought for sure, but there was violence that day. 

That being said, these outlets are in no position to criticize Carlson. They spent the previous year downplaying or justifying the BLM and Antifa riots. They twisted themselves to avoid calling the mass chaos on the streets "riots," some outlets such as MSNBC even bragged that they wouldn't use the term. Of course, CNN's prime example of calling the Kenosha riots "Fiery But Mostly Peaceful" comes to mind, but time and again, they tried their hardest to gaslight the American people.

What the mainstream media did in 2020 because of who was carrying out the attacks was some of the worst examples of ideologues lying to the American people because the "overall" message of "America racist" was more important. Let's not forget progressive radicals occupied several blocks of a major city because the mayor ordered Seattle's police to leave their police station. Minneapolis had one of its police stations burned because, once again, the Democratic mayor was too scared to clamp down on the rioters. Entire portions of the country had law and order disappear in a matter of hours, sometimes lasting for many days.

I saw so much of the destruction, which upset me, but what infuriated me was the media saying it was no big deal. They can go pound sand. I look forward to what more Carlson's team has found in its investigation.