
James Clapper Called Out For Whining About 'Russian Disinfo' Letter He Signed...Years Ago

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, a documented serial liar, is attempting to clean up the damage he did after signing a letter in October 2020. In that letter, Clapper joined 51 former intelligence officials and officers to claim Hunter Biden's infamous laptop was "Russian disinformation." The letter was published in POLITICO with the intention of swaying the 2020 presidential election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. 

Now that Republicans are in control of the House, with plans to tighten the screws on Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan for their abuse of their titles and access to state secrets, Clapper claims the letter was taken out context. 

Those who have been following the saga closely are crying foul, pointing out Clapper took no issue with the context and publication of the letter until now.

Meanwhile, newly minted House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan plans to haul Clapper and others in for testimony about their claims the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. The letter was clearly signed, published and promoted to protect Joe Biden's chances of occupying the Oval Office. 

"The coordinated effort to suppress public dissemination of the serious allegations about Hunter Biden and the Biden family was a grave disservice to American citizens' informed participation in our democracy," Jordan wrote in a December letter to Clapper.