
Republicans Tell Biden 'I Told You So' After U.S. Shoots Down Object Over Alaska

Just hours after the U.S. shot down an object flying over Alaska, Republicans hit President Joe Biden with an "I told you so."

Biden has been criticized for waiting too long to have shot down the Chinese Spy Balloon that hovered over the country for days before he did anything. 

Now Republicans are demanding answers for why they have allowed China to walk all over the U.S. and what they will do when they try to surveillance the nation again.

"China sent a spy balloon to fly all across America. The Biden administration had a chance to shoot it down over Alaska, and they chose to let it spy all across America. End of story," Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) told reporters at an all-senators briefing. 

Cotton claimed that the Biden White House doesn't want to commit to anything because they want the flexibility of not doing anything about it. 

"Let it go on its merry way, not tell Congress, not tell the American people, and certainly not shoot it down," Cotton continued. 

Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind) told Fox News Digital that Biden has sent a message to foreign countries that U.S. skies "are as wide open as our southern border."

"We don't know the details yet; we do know that Joe Biden's failed foreign policy had left America much weaker than before he took office," he added. 

According to White House national security spokesperson John Kirby was smaller than the Chinese balloon. He was flying at 40,000 feet, leaving several Republicans questioning why Biden didn't order it to be shot down immediately but instead said it posed a threat to civilians. 

"I'm trying to understand why this much smaller — by their admission, much less capable — balloon with a much smaller payload was deemed such a threat that the other one wasn't," Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.), a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, told CNN. "And it can't just be the altitude."

Rep. Cory Mills (R-Fla) suggested that Biden doesn't know what he's doing in the first place, saying this "is exactly what the U.S. should have done last time."

"Why is it only now, when the administration was caught in a blunder just days before, did we take this strong action," Mills said, adding, "Either Biden doesn't know how to play offensive, or he's slow to learn."

Meanwhile, Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kansas) pointed out that the government can shoot down a flying object before it reaches the U.S. mainland. 

"So we can shoot down suspicious objects BEFORE they get over our border… Just as I suggested," Marshall wrote on Twitter.