
Australia Criticized For 'Woke' and 'Progressive' NYE Coverage

Australia’s ABC network is taking heat for broadcasting a woke “LGBTQ” themed coverage of New Year's Eve. 

The network had drag queens performing as well as a segment on Indigenous artists. 

Another segment of the night was dedicated to the country’s WorldPride Festival.

“Our next few performers exemplify the word pride,” co-host Jeremy Fernandez said, adding “you’re an ally and WorldPride is about that too, paying tribute to the allies who stood alongside the rainbow community as well.”

Local viewers slammed the shows as “woke” and a “disgrace.”

Twitter users expressed their distaste with the coverage as Australia celebrated the New Year before most Americans got out of bed on Saturday morning. 

“Looks like @ABCTV #SydneyNYE is trying to appeal to a younger audience this year but they don't seem to understand young people don't stay at home on #NYE watching the #ABC’,” one user said.

Another said, “People think taxpayers' money is wasted on NYE fireworks. Then #ABCNYE takes that money down the toilet to a whole new level.”

“'I'm sure many kids are saying WTF was that. It's not that hard - just get Bluey to sing baby shark then run TikTok vids. Save the obligatory woke snooze fest for the adults' fireworks’,” one Twitter user wrote. 

Australia seemed to be catering to the progressive, rather than the average viewer, and it’s clear that this woke nonsense will be carried over into 2023.