
Biden Issues Hypocrisy Filled Statement About Celebrating First Responders

President Joe Biden is attempting to get the country into the Christmas spirit. 

During remarks at the White House Thursday, Biden spoke about unity after vilifying Americans who don't vote for Democrats. 

"The message of Christmas is always important, but it’s especially important through tough times, like the ones we’ve been through the past few years," Biden said. "Our politics has gotten so angry, so mean, so partisan.  And too often we see each other as enemies, not as neighbors; as Democrats or Republicans, not as fellow Americans.  We’ve become too divided."

"My hope this Christmas season is that we take a few moments of quiet reflection and find that stillness in the heart of Christmas -- that’s at the heart of Christmas, and look -- really look at each other, not as Democrats or Republicans, not as members of “Team Red” or “Team Blue,” but as who we really are: fellow Americans.  Fellow human beings worthy of being treated with dignity and respect," he continued. 

A flashback to September: 

On Friday, Biden issued a tweet asking for Americans to thank first responders and essential workers.

A nice sentiment, but it was Biden who gleefully celebrated firing first responders and essential workers under federal and local COVID-19 vaccine mandates.