
AOC’s Latest Take on Abortion Is Something Else

This week, New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said in a video posted online that people who belong to religions outside of Christianity “are able to have an abortion according to their faith.”

In particular, Ocasio-Cortez claimed that her “Jewish brothers and sisters” are able to obtain abortions, as well as people who belong to faiths that aren't "fundamentalist Christian." She said that by getting an abortion, they are "exercising their faith."

“There are so many faiths that do not have the same definition of life as fundamentalist Christians. And so, what about their right? What about their right to exercise their faith?” she said in the video. 

The Federalist noted that recently, a Jewish temple in Florida run by progressive liberals filed a lawsuit challenging Florida’s 15-week abortion ban. As Townhall covered, the Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor claimed that the law violates their members’ religious freedom rights. Rabbi Barry Silver issued a statement on the synagogue's website regarding the lawsuit where he called unintended pregnancies a "curse” and “pro-life” people “pro-lie.”

“Governor DeSantis is not pro-life, he is pro-lie, lying to the people by pretending that he cares about life. If he were truly pro-life, he would seek universal health care, protect our planet, help the poor and outlaw assault weapons that are killing our children. And if he truly understood the sanctity of life, he would stop trying to force parenthood on women against their will and realize that bringing new life into the world is a blessing when done out of love and by choice and is a curse when forced through coercion by the state,” he wrote.

Conservative writer David Harsanyi responded to the lawsuit on Twitter, calling those who were involved "disconnected" from religion and tradition. 

AOC's remarks this week are her latest awful take on abortion. Last month, the Squad member claimed that abortion is an “economic issue" because it forces poor people to give birth.

“Forcing poor and working class people to give birth against their will, against their consent, against their ability to provide for themselves or a child is a profound economic issue,” she said.