
Mainstream Media Botched This Report So Badly the Iranian Regime Just Fact Checked It

Massive protests have rocked Iran for months since the September death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was detained over allegedly violating the country’s dress code for women. Though the regime denies it, her family says she was beaten to death by authorities. Demonstrations have taken place all across the country and blossomed into calls to overthrow the regime. The discontent was even on display at the World Cup, when the national team refused to sing the national anthem in solidarity with protesters back home. 

Tens of thousands have been arrested in response and more than 400 people have been killed, rights groups say. 

But on Sunday, mainstream media outlets began reporting a positive development. The regime signaled that the morality police had been shut down. But did that really happen? 

According to Iranian journalist Masih Alinejad, it’s pure “disinformation.”

Another journalist attributed the false reports to "lazy journalism at best, and camouflaged lobbying at worst."

"It's truly mind-boggling when the Iranian regime is fact-checking Western media's false reporting," Tizhoosh said.