
Hillary Clinton Compares Pro-Lifers to the Taliban

Hillary Clinton compared the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan on Friday while speaking at a woman’s rights summit. 

"It’s so shocking to think that in any way we’re related to poor Afghanistan and Sudan," Clinton said, adding “but as an advanced economy as we allegedly are, on this measure, we, unfortunately, are rightly put with them.”

Clinton went on to say how places such as Iran and Ukraine are under attack by cultural and political forces just how “women’s healthcare and bodily autonomy” are “threatened” in the U.S. 

“This struggle is between autocracy and democracy from our country to places we can’t even believe we’re being compared to,” Clinton said, adding that placing limits on abortions is undemocratic.

Speaking with Christiane Amanpour, they both agreed that the U.S. is taking “draconian” measures to push back on women’s rights. 

“And what we’ve seen, particularly since the Dobbs decision across our country, is that when voters — both men and women, but led by women — have a chance to vote on these draconian abortion restrictions they do not accept them,” Clinton continued. 

Sudan’s Islamist state bans abortion except when a woman was raped or her life is in danger, while Afghanistan bans abortion except when the mother’s life is in danger.

Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, several U.S. states have banned abortion either entirely or up until when a heartbeat is heard.