
Americans Are Already Being Primed That Voting Issues Are Totally 'Normal'

It’s already happening. Actually it began happening two years ago after the 2020 elections. Democrats and the liberal media brainwashing Americans' minds to believe that delayed election results are normal, despite it rarely being an issue for decades. 

Left-wingers all across the country have been planting the seed that we won’t know the results of the midterms until a few days after Tuesday night — similar to what happened during the presidential race between former President Trump and President Joe Biden. 

Reuters published an article warning Americans to prepare for a long wait until it is declared whether Democrats or Republicans gain control of Congress, while the Washington Post issued an op-ed with the title: “Vote Counting Could Take Time. That’s good- Not a Sign of Fraud.” 

The Washington Post specifically notes that results in key states such as Pennsylvania will take a while to determine the true winner. 

“If the Pennsylvania vote is close, things could get even messier because of a continuing dispute about mail-in ballots,” WaPo reported. 

Coincidence? Probably not. 

Additionally, votes in a key Arizona county are already being “misread” due to “glitches” in the machines. 

Only an hour into the election, several sites in the state reported issues with voters casting their ballots, leaving them with two options: they can leave their ballots in a secure box to be tabulated later, or they can go to a different polling site. 

Arizona wasn’t the only state to face problems as election day took off. 

Voters in Pennsylvania, another major key state in the midterms, claimed that voting machines ran out of paper, leaving several people having to cast provisional ballots while a poll worker drove to get more paper. 

How does that happen? It’s not like this election just happened out of the blue with little to no preparation. Voting sites have copious amounts of time to gather all supplies needed so that something avoidable like this doesn’t occur. 

Time will tell how this election turns out, and whether long timeframes during which votes are counted become the norm or if states learn from the messes that developed on Tuesday to avoid similar problems in 2024 and beyond.