
Florida Tells DOJ's Election Monitors to Pound Sand

The general counsel for Florida's Secretary of State sent a letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ) to say their election monitors are not allowed inside polling places located in Democrat-heavy counties, citing state law and because it would be counterproductive and undermine confidence in the election results.

Brad McVay told John Russ, the elections coordinator for the DOJ's Voting Section within the Civil Rights Division, they are aware of the letters the DOJ sent to Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties announcing their intent to be within polling places.

"Even if they could qualify as "law enforcement...absent some evidence concerning the need for federal intrusion, or federal statue that preempts Florida law, the presence of federal law enforcement inside polling places would counterproductive and could potentially undermine confidence in the election," McVay wrote.

McVay noted the DOJ's letters do not outline the need for federal election monitors as none of the counties are under investigation for violating the rights of voters. McVay also revealed in a phone call with Russ, he did not provide any federal election statues to justify their actions.

Republicans are expected to do well in the Democrat-heavy counties as many Latino voters are expected to side with the GOP for the midterms.