
There's a New Prediction on the Race Between Oz and Fetterman

After Tuesday night's disastrous debate performance from Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman, the betting markets have a new favorite. 

With less than two weeks from Election Day, Dr. Mehmet Oz is now expected to be the next U.S. Senator from the Keystone State according to PredictIt.

The latest polling on the race shows Oz is closing the gap and Fetterman only leads in the RealClearPolitics average by 1.3 percent.

"Republican Mehmet Oz has narrowed Democrat John Fetterman’s lead in Pennsylvania’s bare-knuckle Senate election, and the two candidates are now polling inside the margin of error," POLITICO reports. "Fetterman is slightly ahead with 48 percent of likely voters, while Oz has 46 percent, the poll by AARP found. That’s a shift in Oz’s direction since June, when Fetterman, the state’s lieutenant governor, was leading by six percentage points in the AARP survey."

President Joe Biden, whose approval rating remains historically low among voters, hit the campaign trail with Fetterman last week and failed to move improve Democrat chances of winning the seat. 

Meanwhile, Fetterman's record as the mayor of Braddock is under new scrutiny.