
Darrell Brooks' Witnesses Keep Helping the Prosecution

Darrell Brooks is now making his defense after the Waukesha district attorneys rested their case against him on Thursday. After breaking down crying during his opening statement, Brooks has called a few witnesses to the stand and they have only served to strengthen the case against him.

So far, the witnesses Brooks has called for his defense confirmed he was attacking his ex-girlfriend, Erika Patterson, prior to attacking the Waukesha Christmas parade with his SUV last year. After attempting to call up the "state of Wisconsin" to testify, Brooks questioned Nicholas Kirby. Kirby is a friend of Patterson who was with the pair prior to the parade attack. Kirby testified he had to intervene when Brooks started the fight and saw the aftermath of the incident because he lives on the same street of the parade's route.

In an interview with Fox 6, Kirby said he knows Brooks is guilty and has regret he wasn't able to stop Brooks from driving off in the SUV after the fight.

"Honestly, trying to hold back a lot of rage. Took a lot to not want to jump over the table," Kirby said. "He's absolutely, 100 percent guilty, but this delayal process that he's trying to do and pick apart scenes bit by bit, infraction by infraction is not going to help him whatsoever."

On Friday, Brooks called Waukesha Detective Steven Guth to the stand. Guth interviewed Patterson about Brooks attacking her. During questioning, Guth said Patterson was at first hesitant to tell him everything that had taken place because she was scared of Brooks.

So not only has the jury learned, in great detail, what Brooks did during and after the parade thanks to the prosecution's case, but now they know, in great detail, what he was doing prior to the attack thanks to Brooks. It appears the only defense Brooks is using is delaying the proceedings as much as possible while trying to sow confusion.

Brooks once again became combative with Judge Jennifer Dorow, shouting at her how the order of his witnesses has been unfair to him.