
Darrell Brooks Has a Meltdown After Prosecutor Goes Off on His Childish Behavior

Thursday's court proceedings in the Darrell Brooks case saw another meltdown on the defendant's part because he is finding out the hard way that representing yourself in court is typically not a good idea.

The explosive moment occurred after Brooks took issue with one of his rap videos being played in court with the sound off. Brooks accused the prosecution of making up an exhibit on the fly and without giving him advanced notice. 

Judge Jennifer Dorow explained to Brooks it was Brooks' fault because when he was cross-examining a Waukesha detective, Brooks asked him how he could know the identity of the man in the video when it was a screenshot and the suspect's back was turned. The detective replied he knew Brooks was in the video because he had watched the whole thing.

When Brooks kept arguing with Dorow about the issue, she excused the jury from the courtroom. District Attorney Susan Opper then voiced her frustration with Brooks' repeated disruptions and took issue with Brooks accusing the prosecution of doing shady things during the trial.

"[The defendant] continues to suggest and impugn the integrity of this court and this prosecution without basis. He doesn't like it because the evidence is stacking up and stacking up and whenever it does, his response is to accuse you, the court, or the prosecutors of being unethical and hiding things," Opper said. 

When Opper finished her comments, Brooks went on to accuse the prosecution of laughing at him and making comments under their breath. Dorow said she did not notice them doing that and reiterated the reason why the whole rap video was played was because he had opened the door for them to do so when he pressed the detective on his confirmation of Brooks' identity.

When Brooks would not be quiet, Dorow raised her voice and put him on notice that he could be removed from the courtroom. After Brooks continued to argue with her, Dorow put the court into a quick recess.